Romania has the first collection infrastructure in the form of gigantic marine animals on the Black Sea beaches


Starting Friday, July 17, Romania has the first collection infrastructure in the form of gigantic marine animals, which represent the most known protected species in Romanian waters. These are placed on three of the most important beaches of the Romanian resorts: Reyna Beach in Constanța, Nomad Beach in Năvodari and Eminescu Beach in Mangalia.


The infrastructure is launched as part of the „Acţionăm pentru Ape – A.P.A” program, initiated by the Act for Tomorrow Association together with Kaufland Romania. The program is carried out with the support of The Dobrogea-Litoral Romanian Waters Association. The 2020 edition of the APA program plans to mobilize communities, under the “Stop plastic in the water” umbrella, in order to prevent and fight plastic pollution of the Romanian waters and to bring up this subject on the public agenda.

The 4 gigantic systems representing two dolphins, a sturgeon and a turtle have the role to alert everyone of the impact that waste has on aquatic animals.

In the specially designed infrastructure only recyclable waste will be collected, plastic and metal waste such as soft drinks bottles and soda cans. These will then be sent to sorting stations, after which they will be recycled and turned into new products.

Through the „Act for water” program the tourists are urged and made responsible to throw away their trash in specially equipped premises and not on the beaches. This approach increases the collection rate, offering a pleasant experience to both children and adults who can learn new basic information on environmental protection, in a nice environment, on the seashore.

Those who are interested in the endangered species represented by the gigantic objects can find out new information about them and about the impact of inappropriately discarded waste, both on land and in the water. On the information boards near each infrastructure there are also clear recommendations on what to do in order to keep the beaches and waters clean.

„The Black Sea is one of Europe’s most important natural resources and, at the same time, the second most polluted sea. From the position of a European and Romanian company it is our duty to protect it. Through the ReSet Plastic strategy we are doing everything we can to reduce the amount of plastic, even through collecting and recycling, as the APA program does.” (Katharina Scheidereiter, CSR Manager Kaufland Romania)”

„Through the APA program, together with Kaufland Romania, we have planned to encourage people to change their behaviour and attitude towards waste through creative and innovative approaches for Romania and to make them choose not to throw away trash on the beaches and in the water, but to collect selectively. On most Romanian beaches there is no collective selection infrastructure and there is a lack of information campaigns targeting tourists. We are convinced that through this new proposed approach we will have a real impact on all people, no matter their age and they will think twice before throwing trash out of the bins.” (Andrei Coșuleanu, Act For Tomorrow President).

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